Wednesday, July 20, 2016

हिंदी मातृभाषा के माध्यम से अंग्रेजी / इंग्लिश सीखिए Use of Would and Could

Use of Could and Would
Good morning friends. I am T D Joshi English Trainer. Today we will talk about the words could and would. These are called the Auxiliary Verbs.
Could and would are the very polite words. These words are used in the request, advice and suggestion forms. Although these are the past tense verbs, those can be used in any tense. For making the statements negative, simply add not after the word could.
दोस्तों मैं आपका दोस्त, हमसफ़र और इंग्लिश ट्रेनर ठाकोर जोशी आप को मेरा  नमस्कार और आदाब| आज हम बात करेंगे Could and Would the Auxiliary Verbs. वैसे तो ये पास्ट टेंस के वर्ब्स हैं किन्तु ये हर टेन्स में इस्तेमाल किये जाते हैं| ये शब्द बहुत ही नम्रता वाले हैं और इनका उपयोग आज्ञा लेनेमें तथा सुझाव लेने देने में किया जाता है| आईये देखते हैं कैसे|
1.    Could I borrow your pen? = क्या मैं आपकी पेन ले सकता हूँ?           
2.    Could I have your cell number? = क्या मैं आप का मोबाइल नंबर जान सकता हूँ?
3.    Could I help you? = क्या मैं आपकी मदद कर सकता हूँ?
4.    Could I have your address card? = क्या आप मजुझे अपना एड्रेस कार्ड देंगे?
5.    Could I dine with you? = क्या मैं आप के साथ डिनर ले सकता हूँ?
6.    Could I dance with you? = क्या मैं आपके साथ डांस कर सकता हूँ?
7.    I could have appeared in the exam. = मैं परीक्षा दे सकता था|
8.    We could have attended the function. = हम फंक्शन अटेंड कर सकते थे|
9.    He could have attended the emergency. = वो इमरजेंसी अटेंड कर सकता था|
10.  She could have fared well in the interview. = वो इंटरव्यू में अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर सकती थी|
11.  They could have completed the project. = वे प्रोजेक्ट पूरा कर सकते थे|
12.  Manju could be the one who baked this cake. = ंजू ही हो सकती है जिसने ये केक बनाया है|
13.  Would you like to have tea? = क्या आप चाय पीना पसंद करेंगे?
14.  Would you like to read my blog? = क्या आप मेरा ब्लॉग पढ़ना पसंद करेंगे?
15.  Would you like to join me over a dinner? = क्या आप मेरे साथ डिनर लेना पसंद करेंगे?
16.  I would be very glad to have your company. = आप का साथ होने से मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगेगा
17.  We would be very pleased to have you amid us. = आपका हम सब के बीच होना हमें बहुत अच्छा लगेगा|
18.  She would be very glad to help you. = आपकी मदद करके उसे ख़ुशी होगी|
19.  Seems it would rain. = लगता है बारिश होगी|
20.  Doctor told Xavier not to drink but he would never listen. = डॉक्टर ने ज़ेवियर को शराब पीने को मना किया पर वो सुनता ही नहीं|
21.  He thought he would better take a flight than a bus. = उसने सोचा बस के बजाय वो फ्लाइट से जाएगा|
22.  You better stay in a motel as the hotels would be too expensive. = आप मोटेल में रुकें क्यूंकि होटल काफी मेहेंगी होंगी|
23.  They would rather have Pizza than Burger. = वे बर्गर के स्थान पर पिज़्ज़ा खाना पसंद करेंगे|
आज के लिए बस इतना ही| फिर मिलेंगे दूसरे वीडियोस के साथ| तबतक के लिए अलविदा |
चैनल पे सब्सक्राइब जरूर करें| धन्यवाद |
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Active - Passive Voice

Active and Passive Voice
दोस्तों नमस्कार मैं हूँ आपका दोस्त, हमसफ़र और इंग्लिश ट्रेनर ठाकोर जोशी | आज हम बात करेंगे एक्टिव और पैसिव वौइस् के बारे में|
·         Sentence for example: - Mohan ate six prawns at dinner.
·         Mohan (Subject) ate (Verb) six prawns (Object) at dinner. (Active)
·         At dinner, six prawns (Object) were eaten (Verb past participle) by Mohan (Subject). (Passive)
उपरोक्त Active sentence में Mohan सब्जेक्ट, ate (verb है) or  six prawns object है|
Passive में object subject की जगह ले लेता है, verb का tense बदल जाता है और subject अंत में आता है |
इसी प्रकार से हम कई और भी सेन्टेन्सेस देखेंगे :-
Sample Sentences: -
1.    Mohan ate six prawns at dinner. (Active)
At dinner, six prawns were eaten by Mohan. (Passive)
2.    Beautiful animals roam in the zoo. (Active)
The zoo is roamed by beautiful animals. (Passive)
3.    Nair changed the flat tire. (Active)
The flat tire was changed by Nair. (Passive)
4.    We are going to watch a movie tonight. (Active)
A movie is going to be watched by us tonight. (Passive)
5.    I ran the hurdle race in record time. (Active)
The hurdle race was run by me in record time. (Passive)
6.    The crew paved the entire stretch of highway. (Active)
The entire stretch of highway was paved by the crew. (Passive)
7.    Mom read the Gita in one day. (Active)
The Gita was read by Mom in one day. (Passive)
8.    I will clean the house every Saturday. (Active)
The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday. (Passive)
9.    The personnel are required to watch a safety video every year. (Active)
A safety video will be watched by the personnel every year. (Passive)
10.  She faxed her application for a new job. (Active)
The application for a new job was faxed by her. (Passive)
11.  Tom painted the entire house. (Active)
The entire house was painted by Tom. (Passive)
12.  The professor always answers the students’ questions. (Active)
The students’ questions are always answered by the professor. (Passive)
13.  The forest fire destroyed the nearby village. (Active)
The nearby village was destroyed by the forest fire. (Passive)
14.  Oil sector generously donated money for the community development. (Active)
Money was generously donated for the community development by the Oil sector. (Passive)
15.  Manju will bake two dozen cookies for the sale. (Active)
For the sale, two dozen cookies will be baked by Manju. (Passive)
16.  The science class viewed the comet. (Active)
The comet was viewed by the science class. (Passive)
17.  Who ate the last candy? (Active)
The last candy was eaten by whom? (Passive)
18.  Joshi posted the video on YouTube. (Active)
The video was posted on YouTube by Joshi. (Passive)
19.  The Coach will give you instructions. (Active)
Instructions will be given to you by the Coach. (Passive)
20.  Many tourists view the Gir Forest every year. (Active)
The Gir Forest is viewed by many of tourists every year. (Passive)
21.  The builders remodelled the house to help it sell. (Active)
The house was remodelled by the builders to help it sell. (Passive)
22.  The team will celebrate their victory tomorrow. (Active)
The victory will be celebrated by the team tomorrow. (Passive)
23.  The saltwater eventually corroded the metal parts. (Active)
The metal parts were eventually corroded by the saltwater. (Passive)
24.  The kangaroo carried her baby in her pouch. (Active)
The baby was carried by the kangaroo in her pouch. (Passive)
25.  Some farmers raise sugar cane in the farms. (Active)
Sugar cane is raised by some farmers in farms. (Passive)
These different sentences written in both Active voice and Passive voice illustrate the differences.
आज के बस इतना ही| फिर मिलेंगे और भी नए वीडियोस के साथ | चैनल पे सब्सक्राइब जरूर जरूर जरूर ही करें | धन्यवाद ...
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